Author Archives: Jugal Shah

About Jugal Shah

Jugal Shah has 19 plus years of experience in leading and managing the data and analytics practices. He has done the significant work in databases, analytics and generative AI projects. You can check his profile on URL.

SQL Server 2016 : DBCC CheckDB with MaxDop Option

What is Max Degree of Parallelism?
Degree of parallelism is the number of processors that are assigned to run a single SQL statement. SQL Server manages to detect the best degree of parallelism for each query to generate the execution plan. SQL Server may use all the procedure in case if it required. If you do not want SQL Server to use all of the installed processors in your operations, you can limit the use of processors by configuring the processor value to a lower number than the actual number of processors installed. For instance, if a server has four processors and you want to use only three for parallelism, then you should set the max degree of parallelism option to 3.

The default option, 0, uses the actual number of processors installed in the system for the parallel execution plans of queries and index operations.

sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism', 6;

Maxdop is a query hint. When you want to use a specific number of processors for an individual query or index operation, you can use the MAXDOP query hint or index option to provide better control. MAXDOP overrides the settings defined in the max degree of parallelism option. The use of MAXDOP is limited to the execution of a query that contains the MAXDOP query hint or index option.

SQL Server 2016 introduces a new option to limit the number of processors assigned for the DBCC CHECKDB statement, overriding the instance level MAXDOP configuration. You can use this option in case if you want to use all the compute power of the server or you want to use the minimum compute power of the server.

In the below example I am specifying the MAXDOP hint as 5 which will internally asks Database Engine to generate the execution plan to use the 5 processors.

select @@SPID
DBCC CHECKDB (AdventureWorks2012) WITH MAXDOP = 5;

You can check the number of processors user by SQL Server by executing the below query.

select Session_id , scheduler_id  from sys.dm_os_tasks
where session_id = <SPID>

You can execute the below script to identify the optimal MAX DOP setting and set the MAX DOP as using SP_Configure procedure.

select case
      when cpu_count / hyperthread_ratio > 8 then 8
      else cpu_count / hyperthread_ratio
      end as optimal_maxdop_setting
      from sys.dm_os_sys_info;
-- Script to set the maxDOP
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism', <OutPut of the above script>;


T-SQL Script to get the Symantec NETBACKUP Version and Patch Information

You can execute below script to get Symantec NETBACKUP version and patch information.

set nocount on

	[SQLInstanceName] [nvarchar](128) NULL,
	[WindowsServerName] [varchar](30) NULL,
	[NetBackupClientVersion] [varchar](255) NULL,
	[NetBackupPatchVersion] [varchar](255) NULL,
	[NetbackupStatusCheck] [varchar](28) NULL

declare @regkeyval varchar(20), @value varchar(255), @rc int
exec @rc=master.dbo.xp_regread 
  @rootkey= 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
  @regkeyval=@value output

set @value =isnull(@value,'-')

declare @Pvalue varchar(255)
exec @rc=master.dbo.xp_regread 
  @rootkey= 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
  @regkeyval=@Pvalue output

set @Pvalue =isnull(@Pvalue,'-')

if @value <> '-'
insert into #OUTPUT(SQLInstanceName,WindowsServerName,NetBackupClientVersion,NetBackupPatchVersion,NetbackupStatusCheck)
 @@servername as SQLInstanceName
,case serverproperty('IsClustered') when 1 then cast(serverproperty('computernamephysicalnetbios') as varchar)
 else cast(serverproperty('machinename') as varchar)
 end as WindowsServerName
,@value as NetBackupClientVersion 
,@Pvalue as NetBackupPatchVersion
,'NetBkup is installed' as NetbackupStatusCheck 
insert into #OUTPUT(SQLInstanceName,WindowsServerName,NetbackupStatusCheck,NetBackupClientVersion,NetBackupPatchVersion)
 @@servername as SQLInstanceName
,case serverproperty('IsClustered') when 1 then cast(serverproperty('computernamephysicalnetbios') as varchar)
 else cast(serverproperty('machinename') as varchar)
 end as WindowsServerName
,'NetBkup nt installed' as NetbackupStatusCheck
,'0' as NetBackupClientVersion
,'0' as NetBackupPatchVersion 

select * from #OUTPUT

T-SQL Script to check Powershell Version

You can write $host command on powershell prompt to check powershell version or you can execute the below T-SQL script to check the powershell version.

declare @regkeyval varchar(20), @value varchar(255), @rc int
exec @rc=master.dbo.xp_regread 
  @rootkey= 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
  @regkeyval=@value output

set @value =isnull(@value,'-') 

if @value <> '-'
 @@servername as SQLInstanceName
,case serverproperty('IsClustered') when 1 then cast(serverproperty('computernamephysicalnetbios') as varchar)
 else cast(serverproperty('machinename') as varchar)
 end as WindowsServerName
,@value as PSClientVersion 
,'PS is installed' as PSStatusCheck 
insert into #OUTPUT(SQLInstanceName,WindowsServerName,PSStatusCheck)
 @@servername as SQLInstanceName
,case serverproperty('IsClustered') when 1 then cast(serverproperty('computernamephysicalnetbios') as varchar)
 else cast(serverproperty('machinename') as varchar)
 end as WindowsServerName
,'PS nt installed' as PSStatusCheck 

MongoDB Post Installation Configuration

On the completion of MongoDB installation, next step is to configure the MongoDB.

Create a MongoDB config file using any text editor (e.g. NOTEPAD) and save it as MONGO.config into bin directory.

##to store data
dbpath=C:\Program Files\MongoDB 2.6 Standard\Data
##all output loging
logpath=C:\Program Files\MongoDB 2.6 Standard\Log\mongo.log
##log read and write operations

Start MongoDB Server, make sure to open the command prompt as Administrator. Go to MongoDB bin directory and write the below command. It will start the MongoDB Server and keep the command prompt running, don’t close it.

mongod.exe --config mongo.config


To connect to MongoDB open another window of command prompt, browse the bin directory and type the  MONGO command.

You can also create the window service of MongoDB by executing below command. Make sure to open the command prompt as Aadministrator, otherwise you will get the access denied error.

mongod --config mongo.config --install
